Over the last several years San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD) emerged as one of the finest school districts in the region, which has had a positive impact on our quality of life and our local economy. Similarly, Palomar College, CSU San Marcos, and our regional schools like High Tech High, St. Joseph Academy, and Saint Katherine University have contributed positively to our communities.
San Marcos has the potential to truly be the “educational hub” of North County, and our city leaders must make decisions to advance this mission. As we have seen, our local schools aren’t just institutions that educate our residents, they play a major role in providing cultural enrichment, stimulating our local economy, being excellent local employers, and attracting new businesses.
San Marcos Unified School District
In many ways, SMUSD has become a victim of its own success. Because of its excellent reputation, it is attracting many families to the area, and causing issues related to crowding at certain schools. While the COVID-19 pandemic has reversed the trend of growth in the district, if SMUSD determines in needs additional schools, the City of San Marcos should offer its assistance, where it can, to ease the process of planning and construction of new schools. It is Randy’s view that the district and the city generally serve the same constituents and should govern accordingly.
Work collaboratively with our local schools to build new schools and address problem of over-crowding, and make sure their leaders know that their Mayor is a partner and will help them succeed.
Offer assistance to the San Marcos Unified School District to ease the process of planning and constructing new schools.
Prior to his election to the city council, Randy served on the Governing Board of SMUSD for 10 years. In that time, he governed over dramatic academic gains in the district. During his time on the school board, nine schools were named California Distinguished Schools, and two schools became California Gold Ribbon Schools. San Marcos High School and San Marcos Elementary schools were rebuilt, Double Peak School was constructed, and the district was in the process of modernizing several other campuses. SMUSD now routinely sends students to the finest colleges in the country, and has among the highest graduation rates, and lowest dropout rates of any district in the county.
Randy also helped start two non-profits whose objectives were helping San Marcos youth. He is most proud of The San Marcos Promise, an organization that opens doors to higher learning, whether it’s college or career, for San Marcos students. To date, the San Marcos Promise has helped hundreds of San Marcos’ students, and Randy continues to serve the Promise as Board Member Emeritus.
Randy also coached local youth sports for many years, including several years as a board member and coach in San Marcos Youth Baseball, and for six years was the head coach of the San Marcos High School surf team.